24 Nov 2012

Kingdom Come (Soul Survivor) Album Review

Let me make something clear before I start: this is a fantastic resource and a must-have for young people who attended this year's festivals. The first few tracks, 'Giving You My All' and a cover of Hillsong's 'Go' (with added rapping), are a rousing start to the album, but after that things start to struggle.

The title track is well produced, but to a point where the live power is lost, covers of Cantelon's 'Guardian' and 'New Day' are bearly distinguishable from the original studio recording, and the seemingly random track order means the album lacks flow. On the second 'Momentum' disk, Sam Bailey's cover of Christy Nockels' 'Waiting Here For You' lacks the simplicity of the live version from the Passion conference.

There’s a silver lining in the offerings from Rend Collective, including a folked-up new arrangement of 'You Bled', injecting lots of energy and a new sound into this album. The simple and truthful lyrics of Bailey's 'My Heart' are backed up by a funky rhythm and tune that wouldn't be difficult for a congregation to sing. The rocking 'Exalted One' gives Beth Croft's incredible voice a real chance to shine, while 'Forever Reign' is a cover they've pulled off really well, feeling really natural and capturing the Big Top atmosphere.

Don't get me wrong - Beth, Tom and Sam have God-given talents in their worship leading and song writing, but it's a shame that the live worship has been cut-up and polished into something else. This is an album that should be leading thousands across the country into a place of worship, and I pray that however astray the production has gone that this is still the case.

22 Aug 2012

Fall Afresh - Bethel Church & Jeremy Riddle

Awaken my soul, come awake
Spirit of the living God, come fall afresh on me
Come awaken me from my sleep

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Set A Fire - Will Reagan

There's no place I'd rather be than here in your love.

I want more of you God!

     There's no place I would rather be
     There's no place I would rather be
     There's no place I would rather be
Than here in your Love, here in your love

C                                              F
    So, set a fire down in my soul
That I can’t contain and I can't control
I want more of You God, I want more of You God

Recording by Will Reagan and United Pursuit Band

Spirit Rain Down - Tom Field

Spirit, rain down
Fill us with Your power
As we wait for you our Lord

More information and tutorial/recording hopefully coming soon!

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Break Every Chain - Jesus Culture

There is power in the name of Jesus
To break every chain, break every chain
Heaven's gates swing wide

Click here for verified Chord Sheet on Ultimate Guitar

Kingdom Come - Beth Croft

Even when the waters rise and the waves are crashing over

Surely You are holding on!

Father, let your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth!

This song is the title track from this year's live album.

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Here's an exclusive acoustic recording of the track from Beth Croft, recorded in the Premier.tv studios:

My Heart - Sam Bailey

Come and sing to Him, the great I Am, the King of Kings!

We'll sing Yahweh!


My heart will ever sing of You!

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Here's an exclusive acoustic recording of the track from Sam Bailey, recorded in the Premier.tv studios: